I went to Lowe's and had them cut a small piece of plywood into an even smaller piece. I do have the remnants so maybe I can make an ECU or UNC sign. I had them make the board 16" x 18" with the plan to hang it with the 18" vertical. I had also found a pennant and two football cut outs at Michaels.
Quite frankly, the most difficult part was getting the yellow right. I'm still not sure I was successful, but thankfully this sign is not officially licensed so if the RGB's are off we'll just squint and hope for the best. I used acrylic paint with plans to use spray shellac to seal it for outdoor use. The door is protected but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Still not sure it's the "right" yellow... You can see the pennant painted with the logo. I went back and neatened up the edges with a black fine tip marker. Then I added a green border that you'll see below. Below, you will also see a happy accident. I originally planned to tape off a small area between the yellow base and green border and then use a black paint marker to define the edge. However, I'd put so many layers of thick yellow paint that a bit of it started coming up. I decided to go with it and I got a really nice natural wood frame. I do love Bob Ross Happy Accidents.
I'm afraid penmanship has never been a strength of mine so don't look closely at the lettering. I used a black paint marker and then neatened it with a fine tip black prisma color marker. I sealed everything with the spray shellac. Then I krazy glued the pennant and footballs. I drilled small holes in the top and attached thick gauge floral wire for the hanger.
Here is the final product. I added some fun ribbons to the pennant. It ended up better than I expected and I hope he likes it!